Gloucester Restaurants Mashed Up With Pop Artists.

Two Sisters of Mercy

Gwen Sclafani’s

Destino’s Child

Ocean Soundgarden

Temple of the Dogbar

Mike’s and the Mechanics

Donny and Maria’s Pizza

Gloucester House of Pain

Daft Punkworth’s Bistrot

Boy George’s

Rolling Stone’s Pub

Fleetwood MacDonalds

Pratty Smyths

The Franklin Goes to Hollywood


Tacos LouReeda

Halibut Pointer Sisters

Katrina’s and the Waves Bar & Grill

Bachman Turner’s Seafood Overdrive

Diana Ross and the Supremes Roast Beef

Belle and Sebastian’s Pizza

Jason Mrazorean

The Sheryl Crow’s Nest

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  1. dorothyzbornakssholderpads

    I was way too entertained by this this morning.

  2. Nicholback’s Candy House

  3. Hilarious

  4. This made my morning, thank you hahaha

  5. Captain Carlo’s Santana and Tennille

  6. Two Twisted Sisters

  7. I laughed at the list, popped up the comment window to write a couple of mine and nothing. I could not top these. Then I get “Two Twisted Sisters” from Sal.

    Can I eat my Boy Georges Potato Boats or Twisted Sisters hash without these Pop artists ringing in my ears?


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