Despite the vast majority of encrypted search terms that lead people to our little corner of yon Internet, we still get some unencrypted doozies. While I had to filter out the most vile (a lot of Rule 34 was going on), there is still some truly wonderous search phrases that led someone, someone on the internet to click on our page. Like, you know, the following, which are all 100% unedited and are real search terms:
aliens in gloucester ma
pants you can take to mars
yoga training hoth fuck
why do the clams smell like horse poop
cody fucking shackleton asshole [is this a person? an insult? both? ]
foot worship in gloucester
clam are schools in alabama
it’s okay to talk to a strange man or woman
my resolousion since the 7 of you asket
how to get drone out of a tree [we get so many of these]
the people of version dog shit
we hate this now
states that blowjobs are illegal
where does the dog poop on hot tuna
is football fans are stupid
what’s the use of the magnetic device built into the crotch of men’s boxer briefs and pants
pantsshitter mcgee
case of fireball nips
how to make a clam mascot
mayoral beachwear 2014
Before I realized ‘Hot Tuna’ was a boat and not the band, I was weeping with laughter. Thanks so much.
I thought it was the band also. Mental image of Jorma covered in dog doo is hard to shake.
Pantshitter McGee FTW!
HOW DID YOU GET MY BROWSING HISTORY?!?! This wouldn’t happen in Canada.
Oh, I have no words for this…or perhaps I do – stupid is as stupid does.
I fear for this country.
Suddenly I need the answer to all those questions. Slash searches.