Author: admin
Clam Vacation Time!
It’s the summer, our kids are out of school, and we have a huge project looming that will make us hopefully look badass. We got projects within projects so we can work while we work. Xzibit would be proud.
Also Jim went to Ithaca for Fourth of July.
So we’re going to be on a mad light posting schedule until further notice, yo. Maybe we’ll knock out a list of 4th of July drinks that will make you vomit off your balcony. Or not.
Here’s a terrible comic to cheer you up.
Best of Because Gloucester, Volume 3
Here’s a toast to the good, the bad, and the “what the fuck” Gloucester has to offer, straight from our spinoff Facebook group, Because Gloucester. We’ve covered some of the best in other editions of this post.
“parking on Washington St, a car comes careening into the space behind the one i’m currently parking in and smacks into my back bumper… driver proceeds to apologize and hit on me after his best budweiser belch… because Gloucester.”